6939 Eaglesfield Road
Gibsonville NC 27249
email: wyrickml@buffalostate.edu
1992 The Pennsylvania State University at University Park, PhD (Art Education)
1983 Appalachian State University at Boone, NC, MA (Art Education)
1976 University North Carolina at Chapel Hill, BFA (Painting, K-12 Art Teaching Certification
1992-2011 Art Education Professor, Buffalo State College, (BSC)
2007-2010 Department Chair, BSC
1983-1989 Instructor, Appalachian State University, (ASU) at Boone, NC
1985-1988 Director, Catherine Smith Gallery, ASU
1978-1981 Public School Art Teacher, Anne Chesnutt Junior High School, Fayetteville,NC
2019 HONORABLE MENTION Buffalo Society of Artists (BSA) “Catalogue Show”
Sisti Gallery North, Pendleton, NY, Juror: Margot Muto
2018 FIRST PLACE Carnegie Art Center Members’ Show, North Tonawanda, NY, Juror: Bruce Adams
HONORABLE MENTION BSA Catalogue Show, Art dialogue Art Gallery, Buffalo, NY
Juror: Martin Kruck
2017 SECOND PLACE Art Educators: Beyond the Classroom
Daeman College, Amherst, NY Jurors: Daemen College Art Faculty vote
2016 SECOND PLACE Members’ Exhibition, Carnegie Art Center, North Tonawanda, NY,
Juror: Kathy Shiroki
2014 THIRD PLACE Muse, Impact Art Gallery, buffalo, NY, Juror: Ed Cardoni
2008 KATHY CONNORS TEACHING AWARD, National Art Education Association
1999 ART EDUCATOR OF THE YEAR, Western Region New York State Art Teachers’ Association (NYSATA)
2020 BSA Catalogue Exhibition, KenanArt Center, Lockport, NY
BSA Spring Show
2019 BSA Catalogue Exhibition, Sisti Gallery, Pendleton, NY
Recent Paintings, Solo Award Show, Carnegie Art Center, North Tonawanda, NY
2018 BSA Catalogue Show, Art Dialogue Gallery, Buffalo, NY
2017 BSA Catalogue Show, Buffalo Center for Arts and Technology, Buffalo, NY
2016 Regional Summer Show, Kenan Center, Lockport, NY
2015 Eleventh Annual Garden Mystique, Artsphere Gallery, Buffalo,NY
2014 Muse, Impact Art Gallery, Buffalo, NY
Tenth Annual Garden Mystique Show, Artsphere Gallery, Buffalo, NY
2013 Unmask, Impact Art Gallery, Buffalo, NY
Ninth Annual Garden Mystique, Artsphere Gallery, Buffalo, NY
2012 Eighth annual Garden Mystique, Artsphere Gallery, Buffalo, NY
2002 Art as Healing, Drama, and Dance, Impact Art Gallery, Buffalo, NY
2000 Area Artists’ Collection 2000” Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, NY
2018 Melissa Miller and Mary Wyrick, Starlight Studio Art Gallery, Buffalo, NY
2017 Women’s Work, Hallwalls Contemporary Art Center
2015 Hallwalls Midsummer Night’s Draw, Hallwalls Contemporary Art Center, Buffalo, NY
2013 Art Education Faculty Show, Czurles-NelsonGallery, Buffalo State College, NY
2012 Dreams, Drama, Desires, Artsphere Gallery, Buffalo, NY
1989 Women in Art, The Jones House Art Gallery, Boone, NC
Transference of Values, the Firehouse Gallery, Graham, NC
1988 Annual Holiday Invitation Exhibit, AIR Gallery, New York, New York